Young People

Lanarkshire Sexual Health

Contraceptive Pill/IUCD/Implants/Injections. Sexual Health and Wellbeing Advice. Sexually transmitted infection. Free confidential advice.
0300 303 0251

Papyrus – Prevention of Young Suicide

PAPYRUS Prevention of Young Suicide is the UK charity dedicated to the prevention of suicide and the promotion of positive mental health and emotional wellbeing in young people. We believe that no young person should have to struggle alone with thoughts of suicide.
0800 068 4141


Free online self-harm support for 14-19's

Scotland’s Mental Health first aid – Young people

SMHFA: YP was developed to meet the increasing demand for a similar type approach for adults who support or care for young people aged between 11 and 17. SMHFA: YP is a 14-hour blended course which is designed to support all adults to recognise mental health problems and provide guidance and immediate assistance to a young person in crisis. SMHFA: YP was launched in 2013.

Think Positive about Student Mental Health

Think Positive is NUS Scotland’s student mental health project.The project aims to find ways to support students experiencing mental ill health, tackle stigma and discrimination, and promote wellbeing in colleges and universities

Youth Cancer Trust Forward

Meet people like you! Youth Cancer Trust provides support and free activity holidays for young people (aged 14 to 30) diagnosed and living with cancer or any malignant disease, from anywhere in the UK and the Irish Republic, or who are patients of any UK hospital.
01202 763591

When to immunise

Different vaccines are given at different ages to protect you and your child. Find out when these vaccinations are offered, and when and where they'll be given.

Find your nearest Sexual Health Clinic

Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are passed from one person to another through unprotected sex or genital contact.You can be tested for STIs at a sexual health clinic, genitourinary medicine (GUM) clinic or GP surgery. Search for a sexual health clinic near you and find out what services they offer.

LGBT Youth Scotland

We are Scotland’s national charity for LGBTI young people, working with 13–25 year olds across the country. We also deliver the LGBT Charter programme to schools, organisations and businesses. Our goal is to make Scotland the best place to grow up for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex young people. We play a leading role in the provision of quality youth work to LGBTI young people that promotes their health and wellbeing, and are a valued and influential partner in LGBTI equality
Edinburgh: 0131 555 3940 or Glasgow: 0141 552 7425

Citizens Advice Scotland

Personal, one-to-one advice and information on employment, housing, debt, benefits and consumer issues like energy bills
0800 028 1456

SAM (Self Help for Anxiety Management) (Age 12 yrs +)

This app provides self-help techniques to help manage overall anxiety. Track anxiety levels, triggers, and build a personal tool kit in the app. It also provides interactive guidance for practicing self-help and a closed social community to engage with others. If you’re looking for holistic snapshot of your anxiety and how to cope with it, this may be the app for you.

Headspace (age 12yrs+)

Meditation app. Learn to relax. 10mins free for 10 days then small subscription.

Young Scot

Information, support and guidance, for young Scots.
0808 801 0338

Doc Ready

It can be very difficult to talk to people when you’re having problems with your mental health. Doc Ready helps you prepare for the first time you visit a Doctor to discuss your mental health.

Young Minds

Young Minds is leading the fight for a future where all young minds are supported and empowered, whatever their challenges.

The Mix

The Mix is the UK’s leading support service for young people. There to help young people take on any challenge they are facing – from mental health to money problems, from homelessness to finding a job, from break-ups to drugs. Talk to them online or by using their free, confidential helpline.
0808 808 4994


Want someone to understand or advice to help a friend? Kooth offers free, safe and anonymous online support for young people.

Consent to treatment for young people

Like adults, young people living in Scotland (aged 12-16) are presumed to have sufficient capacity to decide on their own medical treatment, unless there's significant evidence to suggest otherwise.


Whether you’re moving to secondary school, jumping into the world of work, starting a new relationship or just feeling a bit stressed, we’ve asked those who’ve been through it to share their wisdom.