What is happening?
Our current turnaround of 2 working days for prescriptions is being increased to 3 working days.
Why is this happening?
We are listening and making changes. Recent feedback indicated we need to give you more time to ensure you can collect you prescription in a timely fashion. It has been proving difficult to achieve 2 working days when there has been increased demand for access.
In extending the time for a prescription to be sent to your pharmacy this allows our clinical team to focus on the patient in their appointments. It also gives them more time to review each prescription request.
How does this make things better for you?
A safer and more effective process for everyone;
There is more time to review the prescription request reducing the risk of error;
There is more time to support you in your appointments giving you the focused care you need;
If you make your request through your pharmacy they will have more time to ensure they can stock the item you are requesting or request an alternative they do have in stock for you;
Your preferred pharmacy can provide a 5 day supply of emergency medication if you forget to order in time;
Less to-ing and fro-ing to your pharmacy/practice.
What do you have to do?
Review your medication and make a note to request it 5-7 working days before it runs out;
Consider whether you may wish to ask your pharmacy to make your requests going forward so they can check medication stock as well as ensure the request gets to us at the right time;
If you have forgotten to request your medication, if it is not on a list of urgent same day medications it will not be processed and you will have to wait;
If you forget to request your medication please ask your preferred pharmacy to provide an emergency supply whilst we process your late request;
Some pharmacies are also under a lot of pressure and the extension of this timescale will also help them to help you.
This is a change and during the transition we will do our best to assist you.
Thank you for your continued support.